lørdag, april 22, 2006

Google Profit Generator

Learn by video how to create your sites, and there is lots of tools too.


onsdag, april 19, 2006

Google Adsense lønn til konto i Norge :)

Nå er det mulig for de som har konto i Norge å legge inn sitt bankkontonr. på din Google Adsense konto, slik at din fortjeneste/inntjening kommer direkte inn på din lokale bakkonto.

Legger ved instruksjon på hvordan det gjøres:
Vi har nylig lagt til muligheten for å motta betalinger direkte til din bankkonto (EFT), og du kan nå registrere deg for dette i din AdSense-konto.

Det er to hovedtrinn du må følge for å registrere bankkontoen din.

1 - Velg EFT som betalingsmåte. Dette kan du gjøre fra Betalingsdetaljer-delen på Min konto-siden.
Klikk Rediger, og velg alternativknappen for EFT. Følg instruksjonene på siden for å angi bankkontoinformasjonen.

2 - Bekreft en testinnbetaling. Når du har angitt kontoinformasjonen, overfører vi en mindre innbetaling til denne kontoen.
Om 2-10 dager kan du kontrollere om beløpet er kommet inn på bankkontoen (det vises som en innbetaling fra "Google" eller fra "BFS"), og angi dette beløpet i bekreftelsesfeltet.
Du får tilgang til bekreftelsessiden fra Min konto-siden ved å klikke "Bekreft"-koblingen i Betalingsdetaljer-delen.

Hvis du har problemer med å registrere deg, får du flere detaljerte instruksjoner i brukerstøtten for AdSense på

Vennlig hilsen Elisabeth Google AdSense-teamet

Gogle AdWords Secrets

Google AdWords Secrets

De kan du finne her: http://lilleba1.googlemp.hop.clickbank.net/

SiteProNews is a free newsletter and webmaster resource site

SiteProNews is a free newsletter and webmaster resource site

tirsdag, april 18, 2006

Artikkel om sandbox

That Darned Google Sandbox

By: Kelly McCausey

If you are a new website owner you might be realizing that no matter what you do Google will not give you results in their search engine results.
Instead of focusing on Google this article will give you some ideas of what you can do to provide your target market with what they want.
If you're a new website owner you probably know the pain of being left in the Google Sandbox. It doesn't seem to matter how good your website is and how successful you are in creating a buzz for your website in other ways, Google will not give you respect in their search engine results.
Last year new site owners were playing in the Sandbox for three months or so. Now many are reporting that they're not coming out of the box for nine or ten months!
This is testing the patience of many new internet marketers.
The way to handle the situation is to ignore it and keep doing what you know you should be doing. Despite what some may advise, you won't successfully manipulate Google.
Trying to do so could get you into worse trouble than the Sandbox.
Remember too that Google is not the only search engine in the world. Most see traffic from MSN, Yahoo and others within a month or so of launching a new website.
Instead of focusing on Google – focus on providing your target market with what they want. Concentrate on these basic areas: Create valuable content that your target market is looking for. Distribute articles to the article directories. Submit your website to appropriate directories. Develop friendly relationships with owners of similar websites.
Create an interesting blog and submit it to blog directories.
Develop a few valuable resources (reports, ebook or audio) to give away freely – and allow others to give them away too.
These activities will quietly grow your inbound links.
The idea is to be consistent and natural in everything you're doing.
No manipulation, no oddball search engine spamming techniques, just good web practices that add value to your website and to the internet as a whole. If you do these things, you will find that your website traffic is growing consistently despite the Sandbox and one day when you least expect it Google traffic will start flowing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kelly McCausey is the host of Work at Home Moms Talk Radio and author of The Power of a Focused Business http://www.thepowerofafocusedbusiness.com
Learn how to laser target your business and blast past your competition!

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Gratis markedsføring af din hjemmeside Gratis reklame ADwire.dk